Add Dynamite to your Marketing Campaigns with Pop-up Products

whitneywoodsIt is the time of year in the UK when traditionally we celebrate Guy Fawkes Night or Bonfire Night as it is more commonly known.  Guy Fawkes, a member of the Gunpowder Plot was arrested for guarding explosives under the House of Lords.  By adding explosive and surprising elements to your marketing campaigns you will ensure that your customers take notice of your message at the time of receipt.  As with Guy Fawkes your products will ensure that your company remains in their memory for a long time after too.


Volatile Pop-up Pyramid

The Pop-up Pyramid is a volcano-like shape and is a very novel and attention-grabbing product for direct mail marketing campaigns.  It has plenty of area for your customised print and the fact that it explodes from the mailer as soon as your customer opens it adds to the appeal of this pop-up product.  For a direct mail campaign with flaming results choose the Pop-up Pyramid.  You can even add pen holes to one face of the product rather like “wine-rack” style and stoke up extra longevity for your product; the Pop-up Pyramid will be kept anyway, however by adding pen holes you transform it into a workplace pen pot that will be used every day.


A Penny for the Guy Money Collection Box

The Pop-up Money Collection is increasingly becoming popular as a very quirky and showy product.  It was a tradition for children to make an effigy of Guy Fawkes to burn on top of the Bonfire and they would parade the streets requesting a “penny for the guy”. The money collected was used to buy fireworks.  Your Pop-up Money Collection Boxes can be designed for serious causes to raise money for charities or for fun and office banter, for example “swear box” or “fines” box.  Add a twist to your marketing campaigns with a dynamic and innovative money box that leaps into action as soon as the mailer is opened.


Fire Crackers Jumpinjax 

Working along similar lines the Jumpinjax is four small cubes that jump free when your customer removes the slide out tray.  They always remind me of fireworks and fire crackers and are a favourite marketing product of mine.  They are first class products for marketing campaigns, event invitations, trade-show give-aways or just because! We have recently designed a Jumpinjax for a customer who wanted to portray their star rating and adding an extra cube – five stars – five cubes – perfect for their direct mail campaign.


For more ideas to blow your customers away please see the website whitneywoods