Popular Marketing Products that always Grab Attention and Surprise your Customers

springboxKeep one step and a jump ahead of your competitors with these marvellous and appealing marketing products. The three products in this range are all delightful to send and receive and always capture attention and keep it.

Jumpinjax is the “Daddy” of the Family                    

Rather like Goldilocks and the three bears the three products in this range always make me think about “who’s been impressing my customers?” rather than investigating the disappearing porridge! The Daddy bear is the Jumpinjax which is a very popular marketing product that is used as for direct mail campaigns, event invitations and trade-show give-aways. The product holds four pop-up cubes that are released with vigour unexpectedly when the slide out tray is released.  This is always received with a smile and ensures that attention is focussed on your communication immediately.  There is plenty of room for print on the outer casing, the slide out tray and the cubes. 

Spring into Action with the “Mummy” Springbox

The next size down, the Mummy bear is the Springbox. It is a more compact size than the Jumpinjax but still holds four pop-up cubes. This is another popular marketing product since your customers find it very entertaining when the cubes spring up into the air when they flick open the clasp.  Whilst smaller in size than the Jumpinjax it is a small product with a big heart.  This product makes a terrific event invitation or trade show give-away and has also been successful as a magazine cover mount.

“Baby” Two-Pop Box     

The Two –Pop Box is the Baby bear and is very playful and amusing for your customer.  It is an impressive direct mailer even though it is very small in comparison to the Jumpinjax and Springbox. Its power definitely should not be underestimated.  The Two-Pop Box houses two pop-up cubes that jump out when the cover is released, rather like a match pouch.  There is still a great area for print and the surprise element for the recipient is the same.

For more information and ideas see the website popupmailers