Effective and Unusual Moving Announcement Products that Capture Attention

coverdissolveYour new offices are ready, all the crates are packed and you need peace of mind that all your customers and suppliers know that you are moving. You can make sure everybody makes a note of your new details by using creative and attention-grabbing products.  An A4 letter can easily get lost or be ignored before it even reaches your intended target.

Interactive Push and Pull will Hit the Spot

This 3-Dimensional product is a great product for capturing attention. The novelty with this product is that as your recipient pulls a card out at one side, a card at the other end comes out simultaneously. By using a Push and Pull to inform your contacts of your relocation you can guarantee that they will make a note of your new address and will also show the product to others; an ideal advertising opportunity aswell.

Extender Card – Ideal for Relocation Announcement

The Extender Card is also a very tactile design, to reveal the full message your customer pulls out a card and it almost triples in size which is surprising for them and they focus on the message immediately.  A flat letter simply does not have the same effect and can easily be ignored.  The Extender Card is the ideal choice for occasions where the move is due to expansion or growth. This design is also perfect for any direct marketing campaign; it captures attention and keeps it.

 Focus on Change with a Dissolving Picture

The Dissolving Picture family of products lend themselves perfectly to moving premises announcements because the main element is a changing picture.  Available in lots of different sizes and designs there is one perfect for any situation at all. The Cover Dissolve reveals the changing picture as your contact opens the cover and is a popular product for direct marketing campaigns and event invitations as well as relocation announcements. The Dissolving Picture is available as a single or a double – you can have two changing pictures if you wish for extra impact and wow factor.

See more information and demo videos at whitneywoods