Simple to use Recycling Wheel for Local Authority Recycling

recycling discsWe all need to be more conscious about wastage and recycle as much as we possibly can and although it can seem very complicated at times, help is at hand.  The recycling wheel has been a huge success for many local authorities. An easy to use, hard-wearing wheel that can be referred to again and again has proven to increase recycling figures for local government departments, universities, supermarkets and large companies.

Going Green is Easy

The saying “One person’s rubbish is another man’s treasure” is so very true and these days when so much can be recycled and re-used for the benefit of all of us it seems a shame that so many people choose to ignore this.  Maybe that is simply because they think it is too hard to fathom out?  Help is here with a recycling wheel.  The Wheels  are very strong and can be designed with wording and pictures; there has been excellent feedback from the wheels with pictures since the elderly population love them since they are so easy to use.

University Students Really Impressed

My own daughter and her house-mates were issued with a Local Authority Recycling Wheel and they use it almost on a daily basis, of course they most probably had more glass bottles to recycle than the other residents in the street! Sometimes plastics and foil items are confusing, are they recyclable or not? Also, some food stuffs – can they be composted or not?  So here is an all –round solution, a recycling wheel!

Office Waste Not Want Not

So, now we are “green“ in the home environment but what about the workplace? Sometimes this is an area where so much recyclable waste ends up in a landfill. Paper – plastic bottles – cardboard – aluminium – newspapers can all be recycled. Recently a large firm of Lawyers with offices in Manchester, Leeds and Birmingham designed a wheel for their offices and all the staff are into recycling in big way now. Their motto is “If it can be – it will be”.

For more information about the Wheel Charts and other ideas see pop-up mailers website