Christmas Card Idea – Something Different – A Pop Up Christmas Gift Box

What’s the best thing about Christmas? To many people it is receiving presents and gifts. To others it is the pleasure of giving. Many others simply love the business of shopping for and selecting Christmas gifts. No matter how a person gets enjoyment from Christmas gifts one thing is for sure – one way or another, gifts and presents bring pleasure at Christmas! The feeling is very positive and association with this feeling has to be a plus factor in your plans for a Christmas promotion.

Our own pop up Christmas gift boxes tap in to the positive feelings associated with the anticipation of opening Christmas gifts. The very fact that they arrive on your customer’s desk in their own custom printed mailing envelope gives the mailer a gift feel, being chunky and “boxy”.  Slide the contents out of the mailer and hey-presto – the Christmas gift box pops up right there in your hand!

We offer different shapes and sizes of boxes to suit your Christmas promotion. Pop up cubes come in four standard sizes and the pop up cuboids are also available in a number of different sizes.

If your are looking to create a ripple rather than a splash but you still want the theme of Christmas gift boxes then we have a pop up Christmas card which fits that bill perfectly. The Christmas card lies flat in its envelope but when you open the cover a Christmas gift box pops up from the centrefold thanks to a neat piece of cardboard engineering.

Custom pop up card