B2B Christmas Calendar Idea – Promotional Pen Pots Could be the Answer

Desk calendars are always a popular choice as a Christmas promotion and have the obvious benefit of being kept on your customer’s desk for the next 12 months. But how many of your competitors will have gone down the same path? You need to think hard about how to make your Christmas promotional calendar stand out above the others. So how do you achieve that goal that without spending an absolute fortune on a super-duper de-luxe wall calendar from an expensive Christmas gift catalogue? We might just hold the key…

Every time your customer wants to know the date you hope that they will look at your calendar. How important would it be to your Christmas marketing effort if that interaction could be doubled? How about trebled? More? Well, that could be achieved in a fairly easy manoeuvre if you were to choose to print your promotional calendar on one of our pop-up Christmas pen pots! There are 4 options which lend themselves perfectly well to that double use. Three of our promotional calendar pen holders also have the terrific benefit of having the instant impact of being pop-up products – the pop up cube, pop up house and our power pen pal. The fourth pen pot has an interactive push-up action so they are all perfectly suited to being chosen for your direct marketing campaign this Christmas.

Pop up cube shape penholder