Leading insurance company chooses bespoke pop up pack for insurance product launch

Insurance companies as a whole are one of the largest groups of companies using direct mail for promoting new and existing products to both trade and consumer markets. Insurance Brokers in particular, receive a large volume of promotional and informative mail – but how many specific items can actually boost recall?

 One leading insurance company didn’t want their launch material to fall into that category and so it set its agency the task of coming up with something different. And they certainly did!

 Fortis Insurance gave the brief for a new trade product launch to Dawson Walker Communications (DWC), a founder member of the Communication Business Partnership (CBP). In turn that brief was shared with Oyster Studios, also part of the CBP network and specialists in design for print. Ralph Dawson, MD of Dawson Walker takes up the story, “ The marketing team at Fortis were very clear in their requirements. ‘Make it stand out,’ they said.”

 Creative head, and principal of Oyster Studios, Iain Humphrey explains the thought processes behind the final choices, “We needed to match a strong concept to the right marketing vehicle that could satisfy three important criteria; give the communication instant stand out, ensure customer engagement and incorporate a strong call to action.

 “We knew Whitney Woods, a company with a range of interactive marketing products and pop-up mailers is second to none in the UK”, said Humphrey. “So we contacted them about the possibility of doing a bespoke promo pack based around two pop-up cubes. Whitney Woods were very happy to help and the result was a compact pack with custom print which contained two pop-up cubes as well as additional pieces of promotional print.”

 That tells only part of the story. What the Oyster and Dawson Walker team had come up with was a concept that ticked all of the boxes for Fortis. The pack was mailed out in a chunky envelope that just begged to be opened. Inside the envelope was the promo pack. As soon as the addressee opened the pack out jumped the two pop-up cubes – delivering the message with instant impact. The recipient will then have played with the two cubes repeatedly – satisfying the requirement for interactivity. And it is almost inevitable that the pack was re-set ready to catch a colleague with the same surprise thereby increasing the reach of the message!

 Humphrey concludes, “It is well worth the extra time, thought and effort that go into the production of a pack like this as it stands head and shoulders above most other publicity materials that Brokers receive from rival insurance companies. The piece was certainly well received by our client, and the pop up supplier, Whitney Woods, gave us all the help we needed throughout both production and fulfilment.”

Promotional Pop Up Cubes