Targeted Direct Mail Improves the Chances of Response

Targeted Direct Mail Idea - Jack in a Box Mailer

Just as television has not removed our need for a good book to read digital marketing has not replaced the need for targeted direct mail to improve your chances of response.  Digital marketing has its place and is important, however just like the television it has an “off” button and just like a good book direct mail is a physical piece that cannot be ignored.


Jack in a Box Mailer – Pop up Piece that Works

Since today is St George’s Day I have chosen to highlight our Jack in a Box Mailer.  Designed originally as a dragon this one played a key role in a successful targeted direct mail campaign and had no chance of being slayed by recipients. Feedback was phenomenal and you too could benefit from designing your Jack in a Box Mailer to reflect your business services. So how does this direct mail piece work?  The main die-cut piece is compressed within the outer wrap along with a card with extra print area for your marketing message and when your targeted audience open it up the main piece jumps out when least expected.  This initial surprise grabs maximum attention, raises a smile and increases your chances of response greatly.  Digital marketing can work but is very much reliant on grabbing attention in seconds whereas this physical piece cannot and will not be ignored.


Jumpinjax – Four Pop up Cubes to Impress

The Jumpinjax is a particular favourite of mine and has the pop up effect the same as the Jack in a Box Mailer but with four pop up cubes that spring free when the mailer is opened this time. Also with this piece you can choose to have two insert cards if you so wish instead of just one.  Designing your bespoke Jumpinjax for your next targeted direct mail project improves the chances of response and knocks spots of any form of digital marketing too. There is even a Jumpinjax Business Card available now that is proving to be very popular; especially for networking events where you need to stand out from the crowd.


Improve your Chances of Response with a Jumpinjax

For more great ideas for targeted direct mail, to order FREE samples or chat to our on-line advisors see popupmailers