Marketing can be Fun with Unusual and Novelty Ideas

Marketing is Fun with Face Masks

This weekend lots of you will be doing fun things for Sport Relief; challenges that you would not normally undertake so good luck to you.  You can add fun to your marketing too with unusual and novelty ideas that capture attention, raise a smile and get you noticed.


Face Masks – Great for Making an Impression

If you have a company mascot or cartoon character logo what better way to highlight your next campaign than with a Face Mask? Or you may want to have face masks with your MD or Manager on? Whatever your marketing project is marketing can be fun with these novelty ideas.  Taking great strides for outdoor marketing events, festivals and trade show and road show give-aways they bring out the fun side of marketing and advertising.


Nostalgic Predictions

Remember the fun had in the school yard with paper folded fortune tellers? This can be replicated with a Cootie Catcher or Fortune Teller design.  Of course in the school playground the predictions were often dares to do something we otherwise would not do but to keep your marketing fun your predictions will be good ones.  These unusual and novelty ideas keep your customers and prospects hands busy, all the while enforcing your marketing message.


Putting Zing into Your Advertising

The Zing Thing reminds me of the pinball mechanism and is a very interactive and entertaining format for your next marketing campaign. Your customers and prospects pull a card out of the sleeve but as soon as they let go of the card it “zings” back with a little cracking noise. This is proof that marketing can be fun.  This product will be picked up again and again and shared with others.


Are you interested in more unusual and novelty ideas? You can chat on-line to our advisors by clicking here