Add Creative Bottle Collars to your Drinks and Liquor Marketing Sales

Creative Bottle Collar - Bottle Banner - Pops the Corks every time!

Did you know that creative bottle collars make a big difference to drinks and liquor marketing campaigns and are fun and easy to design and use? Looking attractive and drawing your customers’ attention they are available in many variations and will enhance your next drinks marketing promotion. Today I have chosen my favourites to chat about:


Bottle Banner – Shouts from the Shelves

The Bottle Banner is a great way to broadcast your promotions and is the style with the largest print area; it is a very eye-catching indeed.  Even on the most crossed shelves it cannot be ignored and will attract attention – and sales! With an interlocking design it is easily slipped over your bottle necks and is soon working hard to promote your drinks and liquor marketing campaigns; it reminds me of a flag shape waving to your customers in a bold and un-missable fashion.


Luvvy Label Bottle Collar – Wrapping up your Sales

This bottle collar was devised from the idea of a napkin wrapping around a bottle neck and has become one of my favourites ever since.  It is always popular at this time of year because of Valentine drinks and liquor marketing and promotions and looks very stylish too!  The Luvvy Label grabs attention and stands out amongst other bottles on shelves which always increases sales and encourages brand recognition. Easily slipped over bottle necks you can even have print on the inside of the bottle collar as it is removed intact without tearing at all.


Bottle Tower – Sticking with Tradition

Being an old-fashioned kind of person means that I do like the Bottle Tower; this style has been around for a very long time and is a very effective form of drinks marketing.  With four sloping sides it can be made to fit any size of bottle neck and gives an all-round display area.  No doubt you will have seen or even used this style before and know how effective it is.


For sample soft eh bottle collars, tags and hangers simply click here or for prices click here

For more information and ideas see popupmailers