In the world of promotional pocket-sized products, A6 Starburst is a true star!

Perfectly portable the A6 (when closed) Starburst makes a perfect choice allowing your event invitation, exhibition guide or conference agenda to fit comfortably into a jacket pocket or handbag.  An excellent example of events pocket-sized media, we simply had to include it in our Events Emporium range.

The attraction of the starburst is in the folding mechanism, as the cover of the neat pocket-sized product is opened it reveals a quite startling display that is roughly twice of the cover. It is rather like the effect of unfolding a map only without the palaver of unfolding and refolding.

The Starburst can be presented a number of ways. The most basic is a simple cover with a single starburst display inside. However, we are able to supply the cover with extra panels to give you more space for information on your event. We can make another option in the style of a double gate-fold which features two starburst displays. This would make an excellent mini show guide. One starburst display could show the floor plan whilst the other could show directions of how to get to your event venue. Also in the starburst family is our Tripleburst, with 3 starburst panels it offers amazing potential for promotional print, making it an absolute king in pocket-sized product terms.

Pocket media - A6 Starburst