‘Wobbly Heads’ turn heads in B2B direct marketing

Our new Wobbly Heads are just another idea to help maximise the impact of your upcoming B2B direct mail campaign.  They allow you to add the ‘keepability’ factor to any marketing message and are available as a stand-alone item as well as being a versatile ‘add on’ to a variety of our existing pop up products.


By employing a spring mechanism this product offers a novelty ‘wobble’ motion, instantly attracting attention to itself and adding impact to any marketing campaign.


The stand-alone Wobbly Head card is made from 500 micron white lined folding box board and printed in four colour process on one side.  The mini strut affixed to the back of the card allows the product to stand independently on any surface, whilst the novelty motion of the Wobbly Head makes it an irresistible desktop companion.  The Wobbly Head can also be affixed to a pop up cube or pen pot or even a pyramid to add a new twist to an already successful existing theme.


At a time where marketeers are constantly on the look out for ways to maximise the impact of their message, we’re really excited about the versatility this new idea presents.  The stand alone Wobble Head is a great product in its own right, but the fact that the heads can also be applied to a number of our pop up products as well just adds to the success of these products too.  Whichever application of the Wobbly Heads you choose to apply, the added interaction they command inevitably adds to your customer’s recall of the product and your promotional campaign.


We publish this blog of marketing ideas on a daily basis but if you would like to see some more ideas just click right here – more marketing ideas.

wobbly heads