Easy Advertising with a Pop up Promotional Calendar

Easy Advertising - Pop up Promotional Calendars - All year round advertising

Make your advertising work for you with a pop up promotional calendar; the perfect mailing piece to achieve excellent response rates, create a talking point and continue to work for you! A desk-top gift is a superb way of ensuring that your advertising budget is wisely spent and works hard for you. Need to know more?

Make a Date with a Pop up Cube Calendar

The cube-shaped pop up promotional calendar has lots of reasons why you should choose it as your next marketing tool; firstly its pop-up action which always surprises your customers as it leaps from the customised mailer. The chunky mail always rises to the top of the mail tray, instigates curiosity and is opened immediately.  Then after sharing this memorable experience with others your customer will place the pop up promotional calendar in a prominent position at their work station. Each and every working day a calendar is needed and your pop up cube is a constant reminder of your company – perfect and easy advertising.

Hexapop – Gem of a Pop up Promotional Calendar

This is a unique shape and is a joy for your graphic designer to create a striking and unusual pop up promotional calendar.  As the Pop up Hexapop calendar erupts from your customised mailing pack when least expected it always becomes topic of conversation with co-workers and soon is sitting proudly on your customer’s desk or counter-top – and will be there for twelve months at least! What more do you need for successful advertising than elements of fun, surprise and customer interaction?

Powerful Pen Pot Promotional Pop up Calendar

The Power Pen Pal has another string to its bow – it is a pen pot and can host a printed calendar too!  A two in one desk top product carrying your marketing message and/or company details is a perfect way to advertise your business – often perceived as a gift it hold pens and pencils each and every working day.  With work-stations these days being more open plan wall calendars are often a waste of your valuable budget whereas everyone has a desk!

More pop up promotional calendar ideas available at popupmailers