Attracting Attention is Easy with the Best Promotional Mailer Ideas

Attract Attention with the Best Promotional Mailer Ideas

Remember the “feel good factor” of the Olympics 2012?  You can keep this spirit going with dynamic and unusual promotional mail that raises a smile when received and keeps your company in the mind of your customers long after your promotion has ended.  Olympic athletes achieve results with focus, dedication and determination and you can achieve great results in the same way:


Keep Focus on your Message with Dissolving Pictures

Obtaining maximum focus to your marketing message is easy with the Dissolvers; these are changing images that are very interactive and amusing.  To see the picture change your customer simply pulls a tab. You will have great fun designing your changing Picture Dissolvers; I can assure you that your only problem will be deciding which size to have.  Listed in the best promotional mailers for increasing response rates they are perfect for messages about change, new, from this to this and so much more.  The Cover Dissolve is a variation whereby your customer simply lifts the cover to see the image change.


Dedication for your Target Audience

You will no doubt have dedicated much time to ensuring that you have an accurate target audience list so don’t waste your efforts by sending boring letters that most probably will never be read.  Why not opt for a Flicker Card?  I think the Flicker Card is one of the best promotional mailer ideas to capture attention and keep it. Available in different  sizes and ideal as a mini brochure the Flicker Card is very tactile indeed; your customer pulls a tab and the inner section flows through in a most entertaining and unique way.


Puzzling and Playful – Interloop Mailer

Your customers will absolutely love the Interloop Mailer and will immediately share with others. They will watch co-workers and colleagues faces as they need determination to read the full marketing message in this turning and turning design.  The best promotional mailer ideas are thrones that create a talking point and this one passes the wining line every time!


For more creative marketing ideas see popupmailers