Multi-faceted marketing campaigns could benefit from multi-faceted promotional products

When you’re promoting a complex campaign which has a number of key points you really want to drive home, finding a multifaceted marketing product could be key to the success of your campaign.


We have a number of such products within our range, the Johnson 13 for example is made up of 10 triangular surfaces, each of which are available for promotional print. It could be that the pentagonal shape is suitable for printing as a company logo or the 10 triangles might be the focal point! However, a pentagon occurs more in life as an organic shape rather than inorganic. For instance, many flowers have 5 petals, a starfish has 5 legs and if you cut an apple in half horizontally you will see another starfish shape! So keep one eye on nature when considering promotional print for these pentagonal polyhedrons.


Other multifaceted options include our diamond, 6-ball and Hexapop.  In each case starting with a blank canvas gives you the opportunity to print whatever you like on these promotional advertising pop up polyhedrons. The fact that they lie flat and come with their own all-board envelopes that are also custom printed makes them into a splendid option for a promotional direct mail campaign. Add the facts that they are highly tactile and interactive, they add surprise and fun, they are almost guaranteed to generate a better response than mere leaflets and bingo! Here are the perfect ingredients for a successful direct marketing campaign.

Pop up 3D shape - Johnson 13