Looking for marketing ideas – the answer could be in the shape

Maybe you’re promoting a new initiative connected with sport, or perhaps your campaign is about protecting the world from pollution.  In this scenario, a marketing product shaped like a ball could be just what you need to give your promotion added impact. 

With a creative use of graphics our 3D pop up ball could be transformed in to any one of a number of things; a globe or planet, a balloon, a sports ball, a crystal ball, a bubble or even a fruit or vegetable.

Other products in our range which have a circular or cylindrical shape are the Hexapop and pen pots.  All of these ‘round’ products are ideal for use as desktop calendars, as they each have 6 sides or 12 faces – perfect for each of the months of the year.

Having the ability to fold flat makes these three hexagonal products a very attractive option for use in a promotional direct mail marketing campaign. All three products come with their own printed all-board mailing envelopes and they have automatic pop-up action to add surprise and fun to the overall effect. All this will only help to make your promotional campaign even more successful.

As these products start life as a blank sheet of card they offer endless options for promotional printing which is another reason why they are so suitable for a promotional direct marketing campaign. So many items of promotional merchandise can offer only one line or one colour of print but these products not only pop up, travel perfectly well in the mail and stay on desks for ages but they can also carry whatever printed promotional message you like!

Hexapop promotional mailer