Creative Advertising and marketing ideas that fit right in your pocket

So here’s your dilema, you need to provide quite a lot of information to the attendees of your latest promotional event or exhibition – you want to be able to guide them around with a floorplan of your event as well as show them what time your various quest speakers will appear by listing the event agenda – but you don’t want people to have their hands full as soon as they walk through the door as this would prevent them from taking in everything on offer once they arrive at your event. This being the case, you need an advertising product that’s big enough to carry all your important information but small enough that the attendee can just tuck it in their pocket, ready for another quick glance and reminder at any moment.

A size which fits neatly into the palm of the hand is A7, which is approximately 105mm x 75mm. Our standard pocket-sized media offerings in this size bracket are the Hidden Book, The U-Card and Promotional Swatch Cards. The Hidden Book promotional advertising product is a triumph for a simple folding technique. Starting life as an A4 sheet, the Hidden Book folds to make an 8-page book but the book unfolds and refolds to make a completely different 8-page book. This is a good example of an interactive piece of pocket media. The U-Card is similar inasmuch as it, too, starts off as an A4 sheet and folds down to an A7 book but the U-card folds in a totally different way. Promotional swatch cards are often produced in A7 format and this size is only just behind credit card size in popularity.

We also make a quite spectacular promotional advertising product in this handy size – the Tripleburst. This product is an outstanding example of just what can be achieved with pocket-sized products and a really neat marketing idea. From a folded size of A7, the Tripleburst opens with a flourish to reveal 3 starburst displays stretching out to 150mm x 665m!!!

At the top end of the pocket-sized media range, at least size wise, come the very popular Starburst promotional advertising products. By far and away the most popular size that produce is A6 (approx 150mm x 105mm) but they come in various combinations. Some are made with double starburst displays, others have 4-panel cover and some have a 3-panel cover but they all fold down to a size that fits neatly into your jacket pocket or handbag, thereby squeezing into the pocket-sized media category.

Poket Media - Hidden book