Starburst Cross is a Popular Event Marketing Product

Certain products in our range are commissioned for all kinds of marketing uses. Our pop-up cube has been used for just about every possible marketing and promotional application. Other products tend to be popular for more specific uses and that is the case with our Starburst Cross. It seems that almost every time the starburst cross is commissioned it is in conjunction with an event, hence its inclusion in The Events Emporium.

The main attraction of the starburst cross as an event publicity product lies in its shape of the folding mechanism. When the cover is closed it is a plain A6 rectangle but opened it reveals a quite startling cross-shaped display that is significantly bigger than the cover. It is rather like the effect of unfolding a map only without the palaver of unfolding and refolding – except that this “map” is cross shaped! The shape opens up quite a few design possibilities and the product might be suitable for a Christmas event invitation, a corporate party invite or an exhibition invitation.

The starburst cross can be designed for specific uses such as an exhibition handout but it can also double as an attractive piece to carry product details for inclusion in an information pack. The real key is to utilise the cross-shape of the starburst in conjunction with your product. We are able to make variations to the shape of the display, each of which might work with varying degrees of success but until you ask the question we’ll never know! The Starburst Cross in the picture was used as an invitation to a Christmas Media Party.

Starburst Cross Media Event Invitation