Paper Engineering Products for Unique Marketing Ideas

Rotating and Turning Interloop Mailer

For decades now direct mail has been a successful marketing tactic and as digital marketing you may question its relevance and effectiveness.  In all recent surveys it has emerged that direct mail is a trusted way of marketing your company and stays in your customers’ memory far longer than any e-mail marketing promotions.   Paper engineering products make your direct mail campaigns easy and successful.


Interloop Mailer – Amusing and Memorable

The Interloop Mailer is great fun to design and is a product that your customers will pick up again and again.  To reveal the full message your customer has to turn and turn the product over and over which is very entertaining and all the while they absorb your marketing message.  Paper engineering products of this calibre are always shared with co-workers which will spread your message and extends your profile greatly. Unique marketing ideas that make an impact knock spots off digital marketing and keep your company details in focus.


Flicker Card – Flows with Information

Often referred to as the Waterfall Card this is a product with oomph and attitude. The main feature is that the inner sections flow through as your customer pulls a tab.  Unique marketing ideas that are interactive are a top choice for your direct mail marketing every time and the Flicker Card is one of my favourite paper engineering products.  This item is available in different sizes and has plenty of print area for your promotional print whichever size you choose to design. Here is another product that will be share with colleagues and keep your company in mind for a long time.


Sideshooter – Entertaining and Surprising

Arriving in the mail tray in its customised mailer the Sideshooter makes an instant impression and as your customer takes the product from the mailer two arms shoot out from the main body when least expected. This surprising action always creates a talking point and gains maximum focus on your company and your marketing message.  Unique marketing ideas to this standard are a delight to both send and receive and increase response rates dramatically.  E-mails can be and are deleted in a second whereas paper engineering products with entertaining elements are read, actioned and kept for future reference!

For more ideas, photographs and demo videos see popupmailers