New ideas in promotional print for education and training courses

If you are trying to raise awareness for the educational course you are running, or generate interest in a business training opportunity you are offering, you’ll need to give serious consideration to the kind of marketing product you are going to use to promote it. 

Whether it’s a one-off event or even a season of courses, you need to find a promotional tool that will engage its recipient and inspire them to get involved.  An interactive or pop-up mailer might be just what you need. A wide selection of shapes, sizes and options are available. From pop-up 3D shapes such as a cube, diamond, snowflake and pyramid to interactive products such as a ‘Starburst’ or ‘Pull n push’. 

The nature of your course might denote the type of product that suits your needs best – for instance, if the course was related somehow to geography or worldwide business opportunities then a pop up ball printed as a globe might be an idea. If the courses were about business studies then something less specific such as the push and pull might be more appropriate. Which ever product seems most suited to your course, custom printing with your own individual design and information is sure to raise the interest of your prospective students.

After you’ve sent out the ‘feelers’ and gauged interest in your educational/business training course, you need to send the interested parties an official invite to attend. The invitation should carry all information that is relevant to the course. For this task you need to find a format that allows you to get across a lot of information but in an easy to manage way.  For this task you might consider something such as Starburst which has the advantage of being pocket sized but with a clever internal fold which expands to give an impressive display. With up to six printed cover pages available for all your course information, the Starburst display could even be printed with directions making it an ideal choice a course invite.

For those that enrol on your training course, you now need to provide them with the course curriculum details.  Ideally you would want to this information to be compact enough to allow your audience to keep with them, allowing them to call on it at any given time for reference.  Perhaps the perfect examples for this use would be products such as a Hidden Book or Foldilocks.  Both are pocket sized pieces that unfold to give plenty of room for you to list all the information required in your course guide whether this is a timetable of where and when the courses are to be held, detailed information about each of the sessions or even just more general information about what can be expected as part of the business training you are offering. 

So as you can see, for each of your promotional needs, an interactive mailer or pop-up product should be the ideal choice get your course the attention it deserves.

Foldilocks pocket media