Exhibition Invitations and Event Invitations to Capture Attention

moneyboxIncrease footfall at your next Trade Show or Exhibition with dynamic invitations that grab attention and cannot be ignored.  Advertising your event is easy with interactive products with a wow factor and I have a few examples here today:


Starburst – Interactive Funfolds

The Starburst Fold products are very eye-catching and tactile.  Your invitees will enjoy playing with the starburst folds and will undoubtedly share with others too. The Starburst products are available in a variety of sizes, however I like the A5 size for an event invitation. It is a good idea to print a plan of the exhibition or location map for your guests on the folded sheet which will make their visit much more pleasant.  There is plenty of print area with the A5 Starburst; the outer covers are very sturdy and the inner starburst folded sheet open up to reveal lots more information.  


Power Pen Pal – Useful Product too

Since everyone needs a pen pot at their work station or desk the Power Pen Pal is a terrific and very unusual product to design as an event invitation.  The product arrives in a mailer and as soon as opened it jumps out and surprises your invitee; it starts working straight away for you. You may ask how could this product be designed as an Exhibition invitation, well the trick here is to print a calendar on the Power Pen Pal and highlight the date/s of your show/s. The bonus with this product is that the pen pot will sit on your invitee’s desk long after your event and serve as a constant reminder of your company.


Pop-up Cuboid – Versatile and Impressive

The Pop-up Cuboid is a product with attitude that also bounces from its’ custom mailer on opening which is a great surprise and always gains maximum focus on your message.  What I particularly like about this pop-up item is the fact that you can have pen holes in the top which will mean that it is kept on invitees desks for a very long time and will be seen by others too – maximising your advertising potential. Customers have reported excellent feedback from the latest trend which is to have a coin slot in the Pop-up Cuboid – you can have terrific fun with your design as a “fines box” or “money box”. Successful examples have been – “save up for the Christmas Lunch”, “you missed the coffee rota” and of course donations to charity money boxes too.


For more inspiration for Exhibition and Event Invitations see popupmailers