Unique Fold-out Display a Terrific Marketing Idea and Great for B2B Promotions

quality card carriersHere are some products featuring the legendary “starburst” fold…

Quality card carriers

Our attractive hotel key card carriers perform a multitude of functions. For one, they are both compact and easily fit into your hotel guest’s pocket or purse. Both card holders provide an easily accessible pocket to hold the key card whilst giving ample protection to the card’s magnetic strip. Both the extending key card carrier and the starburst card holder are printed on quality board and feel good in the hand. This adds to the prestigious image being portrayed by your hotel. Each hotel card carrier offers plenty of room for promotional print which leads to increased brand awareness for your hotel. The starburst display can also be used to print information about your town. If your hotel is in a tourist area, you could print a map or town plan on the starburst which would save you having to give out endless maps from the front desk. A pocket map is also likely to be kept by your guest long after the visit has ended which adds longevity to your brand awareness campaign.

 The Starburst

The unique folding mechanism of the Starburst product gives a display that can double the size of its cover. Coupled with its slim profile, this makes the Starburst a terrific product for direct marketing and advertising. The fold is a really neat idea and capture’s the imagination of everyone who sees it. We call the mechanism a “starburst” as the display seems to unfold from all around and it is this that sets the creative juices flowing. Many clever ideas have been generated by the fold and the fact that it offers such a surprising display. These ideas have resulted in some of the most successful direct marketing and advertising products.

 The Starburst product is quite versatile and the cover can be made in a variety of shapes and sizes. Some variations produce quite surprising results and a number of ideas have resulted from experimentation. If you take a standard rectangular starburst and attack it with a pair of scissors – make it egg-shaped for example – and you can end up with a flower-shaped pop-up display! This might just suit a specific direct marketing and advertising campaign.