Tactical Marketing with Eye-Catching Interactive Products

pyramidKeep one step ahead of your competitors with dynamic and attention-grabbing products that will get you noticed.  Direct Mail Campaigns still have an important role to play, however you must choose goof tactical marketing products that work.  We are in the season of the summer fun and frolics and the traditional Victorian funfair is still popular today even though competing with computer games and modern technology. The same is true for marketing your business, an e-mail can be deleted in a second or end up in a junk box before even reaching your intended target so by using direct mail products you know you will impress your customers.

Well established and Loyalty Building Pop-up Pyramid  

One of the most popular and competitive side shows at a funfair is the Test of Strength and the Pop-up Pyramid certainly has passed the Test of Strength and is in the Top 20 Chart for Promotional Products.  This product will arrive with your customer in a bold and showy custom mailer, creating curiosity and will be opened immediately. On opening the Pop-up Pyramid leaps from the mailer much to the delight of your customer and straight away the bell is ringing and your tactical marketing product is working for you.  There is plenty of print area and you can even add pen holes to further add to the kudos of your campaign.

Pop-up Cards for Effective Communication

The Pop-up Cards range is very extensive and the interactive designs ensure that you capture your customers’ attention and response rates will be excellent.  My favourite is the Bobbing Duck design and I think this is because at the funfair I was always first in the queue for the Hook a Duck Stall. Each card in the range requires interaction to reveal the full message and this will ensure that your customers are focussing on your company details. They are ideal for Event Invitations also and will not end up in the recycle bin along with other boring flat letters and flyers.

Versatile and Stylish Pop-Up Ball

The Pop-up Ball is also a fabulous pop-up product and is very versatile indeed.  It can be sent out as a pen holder, a calendar or both and has plenty of printing area for all your company details. It has been successfully depicted to represent a globe, a football, a balloon and most recently and very much on trend a cupcake! Balls in Jar is always a great game to play at the funfair – you definitely will not miss the jar with this interactive product.

For more exciting tactical marketing ideas see the website whitneywoods