Striking Bottle Collars – Successful Drinks Marketing Strategy

collarandtieAdd more definition and glamour to your drinks marketing campaign with attractive bottle collars. Stunning bottle collars will draw attention to your bottles and coupled with your promotions you have the perfect cocktail for increase in sales and brand awareness.


Bottle Balls – Scoring well for Drinks Marketing Strategy

The Bottle Balls Bottle Collar has an oomph and boldness about it that cannot be ignored. Your bottles will stand out amongst the crowded shelves and soon the tills will be ringing with record sales. The Bottle Balls are very striking bottle collars and have plenty of room for your promotional print and promotion details.


Sunday Best Collar and Tie – Smart Drinks Marketing Strategy

The Collar and Tie Bottle Collar is a favourite of mine and always looks extremely smart sitting around bottle necks.  Recently a company used the collar and tie to promote a new drink and they chose a black background design with yellow and it looked absolutely fabulous. Sales were so good with the first promotion that they have since re-ordered twice. The Collar and Tie is easy to place on the bottle with its interlocking design and will soon have the corks popping for excellent sales.   


Luvvy Labels Wrap Around like a Wine Napkin

The Luvvy Label is a bottle collar that fits snugly around the bottle neck and attracts consumers to your bottles immediately.  Sitting on the shelves looking so appealing they create intrigue immediately drawing the eye of the consumer with the “pick me up” design.  Supplied to you ready folded they slip over the bottle neck in seconds and star their work for you.  The Luvvy Label Bottle Collar has been particularly popular for fizzy wine promotions and trendy cocktail drinks.


Bottle Hangers and Tags too

I have only written about 3 designs today and there are many more bottle collar ideas from popupmailers along with a superb range of bottle hangers and tags.  Whatever your drinks promotion is for – wine – beer – soft drinks – mixers there is a perfect choice of bottle dressing product for your marketing strategy.


For more information see popupmailers