Pop-up Advertising and Marketing Products – A Load of Balls
Pop up advertising and marketing products can be viewed as a load of balls, particularly if you are looking at some of our own spherical offerings. W7D5RYGUPKF7 Well, actually most of our balls aren’t spherical at all. The shape of our most popular pop-up ball is a 14-sided polyhedron, otherwise known by names which really trip off the end of your tongue – a tetrakaidecahedron or a tetradecahedron. Whatever you call them doesn’t change the fact that the shape has been available as a B2B rubber band pop-up for years and features in our range in various guises.
Having 14 sides makes it a very popular choice as a calendar. Most customers print 12 faces with one month each and leave the two largest faces for their company logo. Another option which is also very popular as a B2B promotional mailer is to supply the ball with holes in the top so that it acts as a desktop pen holder. Both options add longevity to the promotion.
Another option is to add a handle which converts the ball into a lantern which opens up other creative and promotional possibilities. Of course, the tetradecahedron can also be just a ball and has been presented as a football on many occasions.
However, we don’t deal exclusively in tetrakaidecahedra as we also offer a big pair of balls in our range of drinks marketing products. Known simply as bottle balls, this bottle collar offers an impressive and bold display that will be easily noticed on supermarket shelves. Check out the links to see why I’m talking a load of balls today.
And don’t forget the 21st of April. Send Sharon an email – it’s her 40th birthday. You will find her on our contacts page. Cheers!