Paper Engineering Techniques for Attention-Grabbing Marketing Products

circularstarburstWith fun folds and ingenious paper engineering techniques you can create your best ever attention-grabbing marketing products. It is a proven fact that the more interactive a product is the more focus it gains on receipt and the information is retained for much longer too.


Starbursts Bursting with Potential

The Starburst Fold products are available in a variety of sizes and shapes; the folded sheets inside hard-wearing covers are very showy as they open up rather like a flower.  It would take me too long to chat about how these products have played key roles in marketing and promotional campaigns so I will simply give you a few examples of how they have been designed: trade show give-aways, event invitations, attention-grabbing marketing products, direct mail campaigns, tourist booklets, product launches and even bottle hangers.  The Starburst Folded products are top class paper engineering techniques; my favourite is the Circular Starburst.


Carry and Keep for Reference

The Carry and Keep Card is exactly as the name suggests – an attention grabbing marketing product that your customers and carry and keep.  This product is available in A7 which makes it perfect for slipping into a pocket or a handbag for easy reference.  The outer cover is hard-wearing and protects the inner sheet which unfolds to reveal double-sided print A3 size.  There is so much room for your custom printing and your marketing communication making the Carry and Keep a very popular item from the paper engineering techniques range.


Nostalgic and Playful

The Fortune Teller or Cootie Catcher as it is also known takes its lead from the playground days we of a certain age will remember.  Such fun was had with the folded paper – who had to kiss David at break time, who had to skip around the school etc.  For an attention grabbing marketing product the Fortune Teller will not have forfeits of course but you can have so much fun with your message and it is a cost-effective way to use paper engineering techniques.  


For more information and photographs see popupmailers