Magazine Advertising with Attention-Grabbing Inserts, Tip-ons and Covermounts

Magazine Advertising with Attention Grabbing Qualities - V-fold Bound in Insert

It is vitally important that your magazine advertising captures the reader’s attention and the best way to do this is with well-placed bound in inserts, tip-ons and covermounts. Better still if the inserts are attention-grabbing in their own right. How many times have you been drawn to advertising and promotions by a cover mount, tip on or a bound in insert?  This is exactly why you need to consider these options for your next publication.


Bound-in Inserts – Perfect Magazine Advertising

Bound-in inserts are, just as they sound, inserts that are bound into the magazine or brochure. Perfect for B2B publications they are fastened into the spine when the magazine is manufactured. A bound-in insert is usually made of stiff card and one of the beauties of this, from your point of view, is that when someone flicks through the magazine it opens at the bound-in insert. Female readers acknowledge these magazine advertising with attention-grabbing qualities insert s as a ploy often used in beauty magazines. Pop up Cards and Starburst products are particularly suited to this format.


Great tip for Magazines – Tip-ons

Tip-ons are another form of magazine advertising and they attract much more attention than an ordinary printed page – particularly if you are clever and inventive when designing your ad. The name “tip-on” is apparently borrowed from the print industry. If a magazine features a tip-on it means that your extra item is fastened to a page with a small amount of peelable adhesive. One of the main reasons for using this method is when the tip-on is not only to catch attention but it is also a call-to-action. If the reader turns the page, the moment might be lost. However, if the reader removes your tip-on, they will come back to it when they have finished reading the magazine. A Two Pop Box is Perfect!

Cover Mounts – Magazine Advertising with Extra Oomph

Obviously, it helps if a covermount stands out on a magazine cover and we have suggested three compact products which are big enough to be noticed but not so big as to take over the entire cover! These compact and handy-sized cover mounts are ideal for reader-retention – you don’t want your promotion to be thrown away without ever having been read! Examples are Two-Pop Box, Swatch Card and Foldilocks Card.

For more magazine inserts see popupmailers

Swatch Cards for Cover Mounts