Join Countless others with Interesting Direct Mail Campaigns

We predict increased response rates with the Fortune Teller

Grabbing your customers’ attention is paramount for successful direct mail campaigns and you too can join countless others who are rewarded with increased response rates by designing and sending interesting direct mail products.


Nostalgic Fortune Teller Cootie Catcher

Those of us of a certain age will remember I’m sure the playground fun we had with the folded paper predictions fortune tellers.  Who would have to kiss Johnny etc. well you can adopt this fun and unusual format and create interesting direct mail campaigns. The Fortune Teller or as it is sometimes known Cootie Catcher is very cost-effective to send as well which is always a bonus.  As children we would create our fortune tellers with good and bad things and of course you won’t do that; yours can be printed with offers and news about your company. Your Fortune Teller can be supplied flat – ready for your customer to fold – in which case it comes with a sheet of printed instructions for folding. Alternatively, we can supply it already folded by hand, ready to use – and you still get a sheet of instructions which show how to use it!


Interloop Fun – Rotating and Captivating

Having won many awards the Interloop Mailer is another attention-grabbing design and is lots of fun to read too. Interesting direct mail campaigns do not come much better than this – your customers are intrigued by the design of turning and turning the product and will pick it up again and again.  The Interloop Mailer is a sharing product too; it will be passed around colleagues and co-workers due to the novel and playful format.  We always suggest using bold bright coloured envelopes for your mailing too.


Red Reveal – Add a touch of Mystery    

Now here is a superb product for creating a talking point; the Red Reveal.  This is a chunky mailer with insert message cards with scrambled wording.  The messages can only be read by inserting the “magic” red reader card.  You can even design and send interesting direct mail campaigns as a “teaser” campaign – sending message cards out in stages.


For more creative and interesting direct mail campaign ideas see popupmailers

You can even order samples by clicking here