Interactive pop-up products – fresh ideas for direct mail

Custom made, bespoke promotional pop-up cards are a regular feature on our production calendar. Pop up cards are a handy marketing idea when a client definitely wants to achieve a bespoke pop-up effect but his product simply cannot be made into a 3-D pop-up. We have made bespoke pop-up cards with a variety of pop-up features including rugby scrums, bottles of pop, office scenes, building site, city skylines, country manors and racing drivers. It is this ability to portray such a diversity of products that makes the bespoke pop-up card such a valuable inclusion in our range of promotional pop-up products.

Whilst the high-action automatic pop-up products might seem to be the most obvious choice for a promotional marketing product they are often not handled as much as some of our innovative interactive marketing products. Pop up products deliver immediate reaction. Manually-operated interactive marketing products are often pored over with greater curiosity and consequently are handled more often.

Interactive marketing products such as our Flicker Card and the Push’n’Pull are very popular indeed and we know from client feed-back that the products have been handled over and over and over again. The movement in both of these products is quite sophisticated and it equates the products to what used to be called “executive toys”. They appeal to management level personnel which is exactly the right target audience for a typical business-to-business promotional marketing campaign.

However, not all products have the same degree of movement or complexity but many offer a more subtle degree of interaction. Take the series of dissolving pictures for example. There are no flicking pages here but what a stunning effect! The first time anyone sees this interactive marketing product the sliding card goes in and out time and time again. Our series of Starburst interactive products cause a similar reaction – open, close, open, close – how can such a big display open automatically from such a small card? The push-up pen pot is another interactive product that begs a similar question – how can this flat piece of card suddenly turn into a sturdy pen holder? Another product with a touch of subtlety is the Extender Card. The product has a lovely sliding movement which allows the card to grow from 210mm to over 500mm in length with an action that is reminiscent of a zoom lens.

Ask yourself this, “How often does someone get hold of a leaflet and handle it repeatedly?” The answer is “Hardly ever” as it only takes one throw to hit the bin! You won’t find that happening with the Whitney Woods range of interactive marketing products.