Great Advertising Ideas for your Marketing Campaign

Jump to it with JumpinJax - Great Advertising Ideas

For your direct marketing to make an impact you need to target quality prospects rather than do a “scattergun” mailing.  You also need to know that your direct mail products reach your intended targets by using attention-grabbing formats that work. Chunky packaging attracts attention in the first place and coupled with entertaining mailers you have great advertising ideas for your promotions.




Create an Exploding Marketing Campaign

The Pop up Cube is an explosive product, full of energy and is a delight to both send and receive.  It is one of the best advertising ideas for creating an impact and generating increased response rates.  For your next marketing campaign why not design a Pop up Cube and customised mailer and wait for your customers’ response?  Arriving in the post tray your chunky mail rises to the top of the pile and simply begs to be opened. When it is opened the Pop up Cube bursts free and starts to work straight away.  Always creating a talking point the Pop up Cubes are available in four sizes and are very versatile too, they really are direct mail products of the highest calibre and will stay with your customers for a very long time indeed due to their novelty value.


Pots of Potential Pen Pal

The Power Pen Pal is another product that arrives with your customer in a chunky mailing wrap knocking spots off the flat envelopes in the mail tray.  On opening these fabulous advertising ideas attract maximum focus and are perceived to be a “gift” because they are so useful and hold your customers pens and pencils immediately.  Another great tip for your marketing campaign is to have a calendar printed on your product too – two useful desk-top tools in one.


Jumpinjax – Great advertising ideas

The Jumpinjax are great advertising ideas for any marketing campaign; the main feature here is that four small cubes erupt from the product when your customer pulls the outer mailer. It always surprises your customers and as a consequence one hundred percent attention is on your marketing message.  The Jumpinjax is quirky, unusual and very impressive and is always shared with others due to its novel design.


For more ideas bursting with potential see popupmailers