Are you Looking for Drinks Promotion Ideas? You Need Creative Bottle Collars

Bottle Balls - Creative Bottle Collars with Large Print Area

Ensure that your Bottle Promotions and Drinks Marketing Campaigns reach cork-popping figures with creative bottle collars and hangers. Attracting customers old and new is easy with attention-grabbing bottle neck marketing.  Want to hear more?  Read on:


Bottle Balls – Attention – Grabbing Bottle Collars

With so much choice on the drinks aisle often people are confused but making your bottle the one that catches their eye is easy with the Bottle Balls Bottle Collars. The Bottle Balls carry your drinks promotion message by wrapping snugly around the bottle neck and I can sum them up with three words – big, bold and unmissable.  The main print area is on the two balls which stick out from the shoulders of the bottle; creative bottle collars do all your work for you and add fun and novelty to your drinks marketing campaigns and bottle promotions.


Bottle Cone – Bottle Collar that is Simple but Effective

A conical shape lends itself perfectly to being used as a bottle collar. With smooth cylindrical walls the Bottle Cone fits very comfortably around the bottle neck giving a 360 degree display.  It is a more traditional shape and it has been around for a long time and has worked well in many bottle promotions.  Whatever shape or size of bottle you have in your drinks marketing campaigns the Bottle Cones are creative bottle collars made to fit.  Along similar lines and another bottle collar that has stood the test of time is the Bottle Tower; in this case the design has sloping sides and a very large print area.


Drinks Promotions all Tied Up – Collar and Tie Design

The Collar and Tie Bottle Collar is one of my favourites and is a boon for drinks marketing campaigns.  It is ideal for adding a prestigious feel to your Bottle Promotions and has played a key role in many well-known branded drinks promotions. The design of the Collar and Tie bottle collar ensures that it fits around the bottle neck and fastens with the simplest interlocking device so that it cannot be lost and certainly grab attention immediately.  All you have to do is pick it up and place it over the bottle neck. The “Tie” forms the major part of the display with the two blades protruding from the bottle in a most attractive way.


Successful Drinks Promotions - all Tied Up! Collar and Tie Bottle Collar

For more bottle promotions and drinks marketing ideas see popupmailers