Direct Mail Marketing Campaigns Need to Capture Attention
What do you want to achieve from your direct mail marketing campaign? More sales? Improved Customer Loyalty? Whatever your aims and objectives are you need to capture attention quickly and easily. This is where unusual and entertaining marketing products come into play. I have highlighted just three from the business communication products range here today:
Interloop Mailer – Rotating Fun
The Interloop Mailer interactive mailer comes in four sizes and is cost-effective to mail yet it captivates the audience immediately and is picked up again and again. For any direct mail marketing campaign it knocks spots off boring flat flyers and letters. The Interloop Mailers are also an ideal format to send a call to action to encourage your audience to act upon receiving. To read the full message readers have to turn and turn the product again and again revealing more and more and in a very entertaining way too.
Pop up Cube – Dice-shaped and a Safe bet
Also coming in four sizes the Pop up Cube really packs a punch as it springs free from being compressed into the mailing wrap. For direct mail marketing campaigns to capture immediate attention the Pop up Cube should be the top choice in your marketing arsenal. Whichever size you choose they all make an immediate and memorable impact and create a talking point with co-workers too. You need to capture attention and you can even encourage customer loyalty so a great idea is to add pen holes or a printed calendar to your cube design too.
Push up Pen Pal – Pen Pots to Capture Attention
The Push up Pen Pals are sent out flat and your audience erect them in seconds. These push up pen pots have plenty of room for your promotional print and for direct mail marketing campaigns they are perfect. They tick all the boxes for successful marketing and they hold lots of stationery items and continue to work for you long after the initial campaign is over.
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