Creative Direct Mail Ideas will Generate Increased Response Rates

Circular Starburst - One of the most Creative Direct Mail Ideas

So it’s New Year and no doubt you have made some New Year resolutions to kick-start 2013? Re-vamping your marketing strategies with creative direct mail ideas is one resolution that you will not give up; in fact you will be so impressed with your increased response rates that you will look forward to each new marketing campaign and design choice.


Fun Folding Creative Direct Mail Ideas

It has been proven time and time again that high interaction gets a message across so why not take a look at the Starburst range? The fun folding Starburst design is a very flamboyant and dramatic design concept and comes in a variety of sizes too.  A boring flat letter or pamphlet simply will not create the same impact or generate increased response rates.  You even have the option of a custom-shaped Starburst to add extra effect and interest to your marketing campaign.


Swatch this Space for Creative Direct Mail

The Swatch Cards are a great way to send product information that grabs attention on receipt and is then easy to refer to for future reference.  Almost like a mini brochure you can even design your unique Swatch Cards in custom shapes to further enhance your marketing promotion.  I rather like the i-pod Swatch Card; it is particularly on trend and is very eye-catching indeed. Product ranges and/services are easily displayed on these creative direct mail ideas.


Loop the Loop – Rotating Creative Mail Idea

For very high interactivity and to gain maximum focus the Interloop Mailer is a winner every time. This is cost-effective to post and yet generates terrific response rates. To read the full message your customers turn and turn the product again and again which is very entertaining and absorbing. The Interloop Mailer really is the ultimate “can’t put down” creative direct mail idea and is great fun to design.


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For more ideas and inspiration see popupmailers