Calculator discs and Swatch cards offer a fun way of presenting complex information as well as making the information easy to digest
If your presentation includes a large chunk of information that divides into a number of different sections, then putting this down on an A4 booklet may make the information overwhelming and difficult to take in. A nifty print product such as Swatch Cards makes an ideal vehicle to communicate just this type of information. This pocket media product is made of from a number of smaller printed sheets held together by inserting an eyelet through one corner. The eyelet allows the leaves to fan out so you can turn and look at each sheet individually, you can also spread the fan and view a number of cards simultaneously. The multiple sheets means you can break your information down in to bite size chunks displaying each different topic on its own different card.
Alternatively if your presentation has a lot of figures that need to be displayed and compared, another eyeleted product such as the Calculator Wheel makes this easy to do. Also known as a Wheel Chart or Spinner, the Calculator Wheel is generally constructed from 2 discs of 350gsm art paper fixed with a brass or nickel through the centre.