Effective Direct Mail Products for Brand Communications

popuppyramidA recent study showed that direct mail continues to have a valuable presence in brand communications; e-mail marketing has its place but clogged up and overflowing in boxes mean that many e-mails are never read.  Surprising and effective direct mail products are a top choice for brand communications and I will share some ideas with you here today.


Pop-up Products Create Impact

Pop-ups are effective direct mail products since they arrive in a chunky customised mailer and they bounce out as soon as opened.  This always surprises your customers and creates a talking point in the workplace.  These products are perfect for brand communications and brand loyalty; they sit on your customers’ workplace for a long time after receipt, working for you all the time.  Some pop-ups lend themselves perfectly to having pen holes and/or a printed calendar too which extends their longevity and “keepability” even more.  You can choose from many sizes and shapes, and there will be one perfect for your next brand communications campaign.


Extending Effective Direct Mail Products   

You may require a product that extends for your brand communications and the Sideshooter is a terrific item with an element of surprise and a great amount of print area too. As the product is removed from its custom mailer two arms shoot out from the main body simultaneously.  This is very entertaining and obtains full focus on your brand communications. One company is reporting a successful brand loyalty campaign by using the Sideshooter for a staged promotion. Already having designed two Sideshooters and a third in production he has found his customers asking when the next one will arrive.


Plan your 2012 Direct Marketing Projects Now

Planning and designing your direct mail products for 2012 is great fun; the only problem will be deciding which items to choose from the vast array of brand communication ideas.  Amusing and interactive products always work best and with this in mind you may like the Interloop Mailer.  This always reminds me of the Rubik Cube, your customer turns, turns and turns again to reveal the full message and picks it up again and again because of its entertainment value.  The Interloop Mailer is a terrific brand communications idea with excellent feedback every time.


For more ideas and inspiration see popupmailers