Add creative ideas to promotional print using Cardboard Engineering cuts and folds

Making your promotional print stand out doesn’t need to be an elaborate ordeal and as a result be expensive.  Just as with the best marketing ideas, sometimes simplicity can be the key.

There is absolutely nothing new about a concertina fold, let’s get that straight, but it does add a very playful and tactile action to the act of turning a page. We decided to make use of this simple fold and to add some little extras in order to create what has become a very popular piece of pocket media indeed – the Foldilocks Card. The first step was easy – make the product the same size as a credit card. The second step was also fairly straightforward and that was to add a fastening device. Adding the flap and slot was the finishing touch to this very simple but delightful promotional pocket-sized product that hadn’t previously been produced for use in the promotional marketing arena. The Foldilocks card is one of those products that somehow “feels right” in your hand and when that feeling is achieved you are holding a winning product!

We feature two different examples of how cutting and folding can add an interesting feature to your promotional pop-up cards and other promotional products. The pop-up card showing the word “FREE” cut out and raised is very effective but beware, the more intricate it the cardboard engineering becomes, the longer it takes to assemble and therefore it makes a bigger hole in your pocket. The best advice is to keep it simple – keep it affordable – and the pop-up mouth device is a good example of that maxim.

We have made that particular cardboard engineering ‘cut and fold’ on quite a few promotional products over the years, particularly on promotional pop-up cards when the technique has been used to good effect to represent eyes, beaks, mouths and windows.

Pop up 'mouth'