Pen and pencil holders for company advertising

When implementing a new marketing campaign it is vital that you consider the best method of getting your message across in addition to what it is you want your marketing message to actually say.  Whether your B2B promotion aims to raise awareness of the company in general, or more specifically promote familiarity of a particular product or service you offer, a long-term campaign of events repeating this message will, in time, drive it home.  Alternatively, and far more economically, you could try to find a marketing tool which offers long-term awareness but after being employed on just a single occasion, promotional pop-up pen and pencil holders are just such an example.  Pop up pen pots make a great direct mail product as they are easy and inexpensive to send.  The clever rubber band mechanism allows them to compress flat for mailing in their bespoke all board envelope, much less costly to mail than a regular ‘bulky’ desktop tidy.  Printed to your design, they land on the desk of your customer their bespoke wrap which instantly makes them stand out from the rest of the hum drum post they are likely to receive that day.  Once opened the unusual pop up mechanism of these promotional products ensures you have full attention of the addressee – and quite possibly also of those nearby – drawing deserved attention to your promotional campaign.  Best of all these useful pen holders are an irresistible keepsake and will sit happily on your customers’ desk top day after day.  Each time its owner reaches for their pen the promotional print on your pop-up pen pot acts as a daily reminder of your marketing message.

A selection of pop-ups that make excellent desk top pen and pencil holders