Pen Holder makes a great Company Christmas Calendar

Pop-up Pen Holder CalendarWhen it comes to choosing a company calendar you want to tick off as many objectives as possible. You want a product that will be noticed and stand out above your competitors’ offerings and so you decide upon a custom printed calendar. You want your promotion to create an impact, to have customer interaction, to be useful and to have a long desk life. On top of all that, this custom promotional item has to remain within a tight budget. This is just the product and it is perfect as a promotional direct mailing piece.

The Pen Pal differs from the other products in our range of custom printed promotional calendars inasmuch as it has a manual push-up action rather that an automatic rubber band powered pop-up.

This helps to keep the costs down but it doesn’t make it any less attractive as a promotional product. The Pen Pal comes in a variety of shapes four-sided, six-sided and eight-sided plus a square one with a header card. The four sided and six-sided options are the ones chosen most often as a custom printed calendar. Each is suited to printing with month-by-month dates and has plenty of space for promotional print, though the option with the header card affords extra focus to your promotional message.

Your new-found custom printed calendar offers plenty of space for calendar dates and for custom-printed promotional messages. The fact that it holds pens and it has dates on it means that your customer will see it hundreds of times throughout the year and it certainly falls within most corporate Christmas Budgets.

Your 12-month calendar will cost only pennies per week just like the other choices in our range of custom printed calendars.