Why Not Keep a Trick-Shot up Your Sleeve with Direct Mail that Grabs Attention Immediately?

Entertaining Telescopic Box is Awesome Marketing!

Push up Pen Pal – Good Player and Interaction

Desk-top direct mail that grabs attention immediately and keeps that attention for a long time is champion marketing. No black balling from your customers and prospects with a Push up Pen Pal.  This product arrives flat and is easily erected in seconds but this interaction is key to gaining maximum focus straight away.  Then, as your direct mail piece sits proudly on desks and work-stations holding pens and pencils it reminds your customers, prospects and visitors about your company – expanding your audience all the time.


Telescopic Box – Extending and Impressive

The Telescopic Box is a box within a box that is very interactive, eye-catching and a corner pocket trick-shot every time. Extending to almost 720 mm it gives you so much room for your advertising message and the great thing is that you can even add a small sample into this direct mail piece too.

SideShooter – Right on Cue

The Sideshooter is very interactive and a great example of how direct mail grabs attention immediately. Long gone are the days of sending boring flat pamphlets and letters and expecting to get response; and you can’t rely on digital marketing alone. So, why not chalk up your next marketing campaign with a Sideshooter that almost triples in size and simply cannot be ignored? This is a top choice because it has lots of print area and it is awesome for surprise.  As your customers and prospects remove it from the chunky mailer two arms shoot out from the main body when least expected; a trick-shot that creates a talking point straight away!

Don’t just take my word for it order FREE samples and see for yourself

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