Looking for New Year Promotional Ideas to Increase Response rates?

Pop up Mail - Ideal for New Year Promotional Ideas

Soon it will be another New Year and an ideal time for re-vamping your direct mail ideas. Everyone is back from the Christmas holiday fresh and bright for new challenges and projects which makes it the ideal time to design and send direct mail that makes an impact to your existing customers and prospects. Whether you want to surprise your target audience with pop up mail or send them something tactile and playful you can have great fun designing and sending your new year promotional ideas and waiting for the reaction.


Dynamic New Year Promotional Ideas with Energy

You need direct mail ideas that will definitely reach your intended target and increase response rates. Pop up mailers are the answer for many reasons, firstly they are sent out in your customised chunky mailers that will not and cannot be ignored which means that they always reach your intended target’s desk. On opening the pop up direct mail ideas leap free and spring into shape with energy. This is always a great surprise and gains maximum focus to your marketing message and more importantly raises a smile and creates a talking point. With so many shapes to choose from and options of having pen holes and printed calendars there is one perfect for your New Year promotional marketing campaign.


Interaction – Key to Grabbing Attention

Customers and prospects will remember your marketing message and company the more they have to interact with your marketing platform. It has been proven time and time again that the more your customer handles a product the more they will retain the information.  Keep your direct mail ideas fresh and unusual and you keep your customers and prospects interested. Interactive marketing products will win hands down every time.




Need to see samples of direct mail ideas? Simply click here and they will be on their way to you

For more information, photos and videos see popupmailers