Have Some Fun with Amusing Promotional Ideas and Marketing Products

Amusing Promotional Idea - Zing Thing

It’s Comic Relief this weekend and for the last twenty-five years they have raised lots of cash for deserving causes.  Adding a touch of humour and fun to your marketing products brings a smile to your customers’ day and ultimately reaps rewards for you. Just like with jokes “it’s the way you tell them”…..


Give a Smile and you will Get One Back

The Zing Thing is a promotional idea that lives up to its name.  Your prospective and regular customers will be most amused as they pull the extender out of the sleeve then let it go.  It zings back in again and with a resounding crack.  This is one of the entertaining marketing products that always raises a smile and cannot be put down. The Zing Thing will be shown to co-workers and your promotional idea results in a successful marketing campaign.  Putting a bit of “zing” into your promotional ideas sends out smiles!


The World is Brighter with Amusing Promotional Ideas

Now here’s a promotional idea that is absolutely full of surprises; the Springbox.  It is a compact pocket-sized promotional marketing product but the small size bears no relation to the amusement your customers will get.  They just flick open the clasp on the Springbox cover and out jump four pop-up cubes! Yes that’s right – four pop up cubes bounce out when least expected.  The Springbox has been produced for many different promotional marketing uses but has also been very successful as an event invitation and as a trade show giveaway.


Now you see it – Now you Don’t!

The Dissolving Picture range are very interactive and entertaining marketing products and you can add a touch of humour to your marketing message too.  Coming in various sizes and styles the Dissolving Picture marketing produ8cts as the name would suggest are changing images.  They are perfect promotional ideas to convey “from this to that” and “change”.  A Professional Magician uses these as promotional ideas with the clear message “now you see it, now you don’t”. Having achieved great success we are currently doing a repeat order for him.


For more amusing marketing products and promotional ideas see popupmailers

Samples can be ordered by clicking here and prices by clicking here