Card making and Scrapbooking Ideas and Suggestions Wanted – New website needs your help!

We have been supplying the Business-to-Business promotional marketplace with automatic rubber band powered pop-ups for years. We have a very good reputation in this field and we like to think that we know what we are doing. However, we are about to take a step into the unknown and we need you to light the way. If you are a person with craft skills such as card making, scrapbooking, decoupage and rubber stamping and you would like to work with automatic pop-ups then we should be able to help each other.

 You see, our research tells us that crafters would be very interested in being able to work with rubber band pop-ups and we can provide that opportunity. What we don’t know is how you would like them to be presented. Our automatic pop-ups are made in 500micron box board and an internal rubber band gives them their pop-up action. We make them in their thousands for our B2B clients from start to finish – we even mail them out on our clients’ behalf. That, however, is a totally different cup of tea from the scenario presented by our popupcrafts website.

 We don’t know enough about how you would like to work with these products. We have consulted a local expert but she acknowledges that the way she has worked with the samples that we have supplied could well be down to personal choice. Another card making crafter could well choose to work in a different fashion. For instance – would you like the die-cut pop-up to be supplied flat, cut and creased with a separate sheet of instructions and a rubber band? Would it be better if the folds were already made so that it would be more obvious how the pop-up achieves its 3-D state? How about if the product was part-assembled by our in-house crew?

 We would also like to know what you think of the manual pop-ups and interactive products in our commercial range. Would you like us to make these available as die-cut blanks? Most items in this range are made in a lignen-free 350gsm silk art board and we can supply them exactly as you want them. All you have to do is to tell us how that would be!

 If we are to make a success of this site we need to talk to the people who are in the know – and that could be you. All your ideas, suggestions and comments will be very gratefully received and you can pass them on to us via the ideas and suggestions page on the temporary popupcrafts website.

Pop up crafts website