Lumpy mail marketing increases your “Open rate”

Increased Resonse Rates with Lumpy Mail Marketing

Whilst in recent times many businesses and marketers have used digital channels and chosen e-mail marketing above direct mail there is a significant swing back to the benefits of direct mail. It is a proven fact that people do like to hold something, especially something that can be referred to again and again.  Lumpy mail marketing has a much higher open rate than flat mail and flyers; it creates intrigue and mystery and always reaches the intended target. An e-shot has seconds to prove it’s benefit and is gone in one click and never viewed again – not the case with  a lumpy mail marketing piece!

Pop up Ball – “Net” your Customers

A Pop up Ball is a terrific way to get your company noticed and is lumpy mail marketing with attitude and energy too.  Your Pop up Ball arrives in style in a lumpy mailer and rises to the top of the post tray immediately; it will never be intercepted by a receptionist and classified as “junk mail” like lots of other boring flat mail and pamphlets.  On opening your Pop up Ball bounces out and delights your customers with its quirkiness and surprise.  Add pen holes and/or a printed calendar and you have a superb desk-top gift that will sit on work-stations proudly displaying your company details. An e-mail is deleted in a second; a Pop up Ball continues to work for you for a very long time.

Push Up your Open Rate Statistics – Pull in your Sales

The Push ‘n’ Pull is another lumpy mail marketing idea that has many options for you; it also comes in different sizes.  Your customised Push ‘n’ Pull is very interactive indeed; your customer has to pull a card at one side and the big surprise is that another card at the other side ejects at the same time! Push it back in and they both retract together too.  Increasing your open rate is easy with lumpy mailers and creative and interactive marketing products that have an element of surprise and entertainment too.


For more lumpy mail marketing ideas see popupmailers