Make Creative Advertising Ideas part of your Marketing Strategy

popuppyramidsMaking an impact with your customers is easy with creative advertising ideas that capture and keep attention.  Amusing products with an element of surprise grab attention immediately and your company is in focus in an unusual and memorable way.


Jumpinjax – Full of Bounce

The Jumpinjax is a most unusual product and full of mischief too. It is sent in your customised mailing envelope and when opened four small pop-up cubes leap free much to your customers delight and astonishment.  With the Jumpinjax you have plenty of print area on the outer envelope, an insert card and on the cubes themselves.  By making these products part of your marketing strategy for your next advertising campaign you will be leaps and bounds ahead of your competitors; creative advertising ideas like this create the wow factor and are always remembered too.


Pyramid – Prestigious Pop-up Product

The Pop-up Pyramid is also sent in your custom mailer looking very tempting in the post tray and never dismissed as junk mail as flat letters can be.  On opening the product springs into life and starts to work for you immediately; this is one of my favourite creative advertising ideas since the shape conjures up images of prestige and strength.  One option to improve the length of time your customer keeps the product is to add pen holes to one side – sending a desk-top novelty is marketing strategy that works.


Pop-up Cards – Amusing and Interactive

Your current project may be more suited to the Pop-up Card designs and there are many creative advertising ideas you can adopt with this platform.  There are lots of ideas to choose from, the Parallelogram Pop-up Card is a very popular format and along with the 3-D Pop-up Card has been part of marketing strategies for both small businesses and corporate companies alike.  Chat to the sales team at popupmailers with your ideas for your bespoke mailer and you are on your way to creating a unique and impact making product.


For more ideas, photographs and demo videos see popupmailer