Unique Christmas Cards and B2B Christmas Messages

christmas cubeYes it is that time of year again when your thoughts turn to your customers and suppliers Christmas messages. You may think an e-shot will cut the grade – but how many will actually be read and how impersonal is it to receive an e-mail that is only for one person in an office and may never be seen by the others you need to send a message to?  That is why by sending something unique and creative to arrive in the post is a much better idea and I share some with you today.


“Twelve days of Christmas” -Make your message for twelve months

By sending a calendar to your customers and suppliers as a thank you and a festive greeting you can ensure that your company remains in focus long after the Christmas decorations have been taken down.  I don’t mean the usual wall calendars I mean a desk-top novelty calendar that will sit on desks and be seen by everyone in the workplace.  The Pop-up Ball is my favourite desk-top calendar since it has twelve faces –one for each month and is an ideal platform to print a calendar.  The product arrives in a custom chunky mailer and makes your B2B Christmas message stand out in the post tray. When opened the Pop-up Ball Calendar bounces out and surprises the recipient – putting a bit of fun into your unique Christmas cards too!


Gift-wrapped Pop-up Cube

The Pop-up Cube is another product mailed out in your custom mailer that leaps free as soon as opened and can be printed with a calendar if you so wish or have pen holes to ensure longevity on your customers and suppliers work stations.  Rather than an e-shot that may end up in the junk mail box and never be seen, the Pop-up Cube will be seen by all co-workers and colleagues and be a constant reminder of your company. 


“I’ll be Home for Christmas”

Now a particular favourite of mine is the Pop-up House, jumping free from the mailing wrap as soon as opened this is a quirky little product that always promotes nice comforting feelings for the recipient. At Christmas-time the Pop-up House is perfect to design as a Santa’s Grotto, a snow covered cottage or house or as some people choose to do a mini replica of your offices with a festive twist.  The Pop-up House can have pen holes in the roof too if you wish and will sit on desks and work stations long after the festive period. 


For more unusual B2B Christmas message ideas see the website christmasmarketing