Pop-up Lantern – Chinese lantern, Halloween Lantern, Christmas Lantern – it’s up to you

Many of our promotional marketing products are simple variations of a similar theme. The collection of pop-up polyhedra for example; such as our pop-up diamond, the Hexapop and the pop-up snowflake – these are all based on the same design principles. Sometime the addition of an extra touch changes the nature of a product. By adding a couple of handles to a pop-up box the product becomes a pop-up handbag.

Here’s an old favourite. It was called a “kallapsiball” some years ago when Karran Products were still trading and some manufacturers still use that name. Either way, it’s as close as anyone gets to producing a pop-up ball. We have already done one variation to this product to create a ball-shaped pen holder but here we have added a carry handle and transformed it into a pop-up lantern. Neat, eh? Your design can transform the nature of the product to suit your promotion. Obvious suggestions include a Chinese Lantern, a Halloween Lantern or a Christmas Lantern but if you need to produce one to go with a garden party theme for example, then we’re here to do whatever you want.

The Pop-up Lantern is supplied with its own mailing envelope called a Zippalope and that makes it ideal for a B2B direct marketing campaign. The Zippalope is custom-printed to your requirements on the same sheet as the pop-up lantern and your design will be bound to stand out above all of the limp white envelopes in your customer’s morning mail. Once the Zippalope has attracted your customer’s attention it is up to the pop-up lantern to keep hold of that attention and prolong the experience in an interactive fashion. No problem!

We publish this blog of marketing ideas on a daily basis but if you would like to see some more ideas just click right here – more marketing ideas.

pop-up lantern