Q: What is Direct Mail Marketing? – A: The Best Way to reach your Targeted Audience

flickercardThe best way to capture attention and ensure that your marketing efforts reach your desired target audience and decision makers is with a direct mail marketing campaign. Do not fall into the trap of

thinking that e-mail contact will do – it won’t!  E-mails can be and are deleted in seconds and your chance is lost forever BUT with chunky and interactive mail your message is in the hands of your contacts and will be acknowledged.


Surprise and Style with a Pop-up Cuboid

The Pop-up Cuboid is customised with your promotional print and sent in a matching customised mailer.  We call it chunky mail and it always creates interest amongst the other items of post and reaches the targeted audience rather than being dismissed as “junk”.  Once with your contact it is opened immediately and pops up into action.  This is most unexpected and always very warmly received, shown to others and kept for a long time.  There are so many ways to create your individual design Pop-up Cuboid – you can add pen holes to transform it into a desk-top gift or you can add a coin slot to send it as a money box.  Often the Pop-up Cuboid is used as a platform to portray a particular product or service, recently it was designed with a picture of a truck on for an international logistics company – a mini version of their wagon sitting on desks nationwide as a constant reminder – this is direct mail marketing at its very best!


Flicker Card – Amusing Chunky Mail 

For an amusing product with lots of print area the Flicker Card is a first class direct mail marketing idea.  Available is different sizes it appeals to your targeted audience because of its “flowing design”.  By pulling a tab the inner leaves flick by revealing your marketing message. It is a proven fact that the more interactive a product is the more the message is retained and a Flicker Card is a “pick up again and again” design making direct mail marketing easy.


Pop-up Pyramid – Longevity and Structure

The Pop-up Pyramid is another pop-up shape that jumps from the customised mailer with an element of surprise.  A pyramid always conveys a message of structure and longevity which is why as a direct mail marketing piece the Pop-up Pyramid builds up customer relations and brand loyalty.

By making sure that your marketing budget is spent wisely on your bespoke Pop-up Pyramid you know that you are reaching your targeted audience every time.


For more creative and inspiring direct mail marketing ideas see whitneywoods