Keep the cardboard engineering simple but match to innovative marketing ideas and graphics

It’s doesn’t take a genius to work out that when you use promotional marketing products which are really eye catching, then the message you’re sending is bound to have much more of an impact on your customer.  However, instead of spending a fortune finding a product that is completely over the top to grab your customers’ attention, you can box clever with our range of pop up and interactive products.  You shouldn’t be surprised to find that where you can match your message to an interactive movement or to a particular pop-up shape, this can also have the same long lasting impression on your customer, just by employing fairly simple cardboard engineering techniques.

We cannot stress just how labour intensive certain examples of cardboard engineering can be. Let’s take a look at some of the most complex pop-up books that are available in good bookshops today. There are many examples of some of the most fantastic pop-up displays and movements – absolutely brilliant work. However, complex paper engineering pop-up books are virtually all produced in Asia, South America and Central America depending on the publishers’ choice of market. In simple terms, it is just not commercially viable to produce such elaborate paper and cardboard engineering books in the UK. The cost of the pop-up book in your local bookstore would be absolutely astronomical.

Here at Whitney Woods we do not claim to be origami masters nor even highly skilled paper and cardboard engineers but producing pop-up products for commercial use as we do precludes the use of very intricate cardboard engineering mechanisms as the costs of hand assembly would become prohibitive. Instead we purposefully keep cardboard engineering simple and affordable whilst remaining very effective from a promotional marketing point of view. We are proud of the fact that all of our promotional pop-up products are completely handmade and assembled right here in the UK by skilled local labour and that most of our skilled hand assembly workers have been with us since we started making promotional pop-up products over 10 years ago. So with our products combined with your marketing ideas you can really make an impression without breaking the bank.

Interactive marketing tool - Fortune Teller