Interactive Direct Mailing Products – Key to Marketing Plan

Changing Picture - Picture Dissolvers
It has been proved again and again that interactive direct mailing products have the best impact on your customers and increase response rates dramatically. The key to your marketing plan is to use a direct mail item that is bold and showy and captivating too. Make yourself a quick coffee and read on:
Change the Face of your Marketing
A changing picture is always a form of entertainment and the Picture Dissolve is enthralling for your customers. The Picture Dissolvers are available in many sizes; they are neat products and very cost effective to mail. To change the picture your customer simply pulls a tab or opens a cover depending on which format you choose for your interactive direct mailing products. The original picture changes to something completely different and as such a Picture Dissolve has been key to marketing plans communicating messages for “before and after” and “from this to this” . My favourite of all the designs so far was for a Professional magician who chose to use his Picture Dissolve with the message “now you see it, now you don’t”.
“Can’t put down” Design Interloop Mailer
I cannot count how many times I am told that the Interloop Mailer is the one that you simply cannot put down. As far as interactive direct mailing products go this is intriguing and very playful indeed; to reveal the full message your customers turn and turn the product again and again. This always creates a talking point with colleagues and co-workers and it will be picked up regularly due to its entertaining qualities. Designing your Interloop Mailer is easy, we can advise you all the way. Recently a pharmaceutical company used this product as key to marketing plan and had re-ordered twice due to its success.
Push Up Pen Pal – Pots of Potential
The Push up Pen Pal arrives with your customer flat and they have to push it up into shape; this takes seconds and your customer is impressed when they receive a desk-top product that is stylish and very useful. These are interactive direct mailing products that not only increase response rates immediately but continue to advertise your company each and every working day for a very long time.
Look for more key to marketing plan interactive direct mailing products at popupmailers