Direct mail budgets must be made to work even harder to increase response. Interactive mailers and dimensional marketing is the way forward


Even now, when times are supposedly getting harder, we are all still inundated with the same instantly forgettable direct mail as when things were apparently booming. Whilst it is absolutely imperative to strive to get whatever business is out there, surely the way forward is to move towards improved targeting and using more persuasive direct mail such as interactive advertising and pop up marketing pieces in order to generate improved response.

 Figures published on the internet showing response rates for direct mail vary from site to site but we can quote very specific examples from our impressive list of testimonials. Look at these two for example:-

“We found Whitney Woods really extremely responsive and easy to deal with. Whilst working on one of our largest client accounts we were required to manage a direct mail campaign. Our client was so pleased with the success they sent the following feedback.”

“Thanks guys – just to let you know the feedback on the cube mailing is extremely good. We had anticipated a 1% response on customers signing up online. Our objective was to strive for 1.5 – 3 %, however, I think my faith in creative design is restored as we have current figures showing a 9.6% uptake on the offer with new accounts opened and being used on a regular basis.”

Gemma Garrad, Account Manager, Be Creative, Brighton

“We were absolutely delighted with the customer reaction to the Cinderella designed ’Jumpinjax’.  They fulfilled all of the criteria of an excellent direct marketing tool – attention-grabbing and a fun way of conveying a very clear selling message that wouldn’t just simply end up in the bin.  It’s major appeal was that we were confident that recipients would show the item to friends or work colleagues which immediately multiplied the number of people seeing the information about our show.  The Box Office went crazy after the mailing and it increased our sales by 20% on the previous year.”  

Tracey Shaw, Head of Sales & Marketing, Theatre Royal, Brighton

These are only two examples but they illustrate perfectly just how important it is in today’s economic climate that your advertising and marketing budget is made to work at its most successful level and for direct mail campaigns. Dimensional, interactive marketing is the way forward.

Jumpinjax Christmas Invitation